Name: Rico Evans
Age: 16
Occupation: jock
Genre: drama/slice of life
Rough description: black hair, dark eyes, 5'10"; muscular, athletic, came equipped with an overactive imagination

Rico knows he has it pretty good. He made the football team with zero effort, and his grades are passable. His parents make plenty of money -- enough to keep them fed and clothed and watching TV, anyway -- and his younger sister isn't yet old enough to be a serious annoyance. Still, he frequently finds himself wanting something more, and since he hasn't found that something more yet, he just makes it up as he goes.

"So, new girl. Hot?"

"New girl?" Rico pulled his history book from his locker and looked at it for a moment, debating how likely it was he'd actually do the homework. There was a Jet Li movie on around eight, and he knew he wasn't going to pay attention to anything else once it started.

"Yeah, new girl -- you haven't seen her? Blonde, tanned, legs."

"Well, I guess you think she's hot." He put the book back. His history grade could take the hit. Math, though ... he made a face. Geometry made him wish he was back in Algebra, but he was hanging by a thread.

"See, that's her --"

He found himself grabbed by the arm and steered halfway around, nearly dropping the textbook in the process. The girl glanced at him and then at his friend, looking like she got that kind of thing more often than she liked. He did recognize her, though. Blonde, tanned, and her skirt did show off her legs pretty nicely.

But what he remembered was that she was a princess in exile, on the run from the pretender who'd stolen her father's throne.

He waved, but she just kept walking.


"Hope you weren't planning to ask her out."


"Never mind."

She'd also make a pretty good spy, doing undercover work on the principal, who was actually a mad scientist building a doomsday device. He grinned. Maybe that one was better.

His friend smacked him in the back of the head. "What are you thinking about, asshole?"

"I was thinking about your mom," he responded, tucking the Geometry book into his bag and ducking another swing to zip it up. "Come on, let's get to practice."

The army of orcs across the football field wasn't going to kill itself, after all.
