It is said that the hobbits of the Shire originated east of the Misty Mountains and that after crossing the Misties, a family of Stoors settled in Enedwaith.

Location map
Title: Follower of the Long Road
Emote: Golf Chip
5 Turbine Points

Hobbit lamp-post near Unig-pulh
(70.8S, 19.4W)

This lamp-post marks a place where the first hobbit pilgrims wandered through Enedwaith on their long journey to the Shire.

Hobbit lamp-post near Echad Daervunn
(66.5S, 21.2W)

This lamp-post marks a place where the first hobbit pilgrims wandered through Enedwaith on their long journey to the Shire.

Hobbit lamp-post near Maur Tulhau
(63.2S, 22.9W)

This lamp-post marks a place where the first hobbit pilgrims wandered through Enedwaith on their long journey to the Shire.

Hobbit lamp-post near the statue of the Bullroarer
(27.2S, 67.6W)

This statue was raised to commemorate Bullroarer Took's victory over Golfimbul and the invention of the game of golf.